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Chris Paul of personal data
Chris Paul,Chris - Paul,1985/5/6,Wake Forest University,sophomore
Point guard,1 m 85,81 kg
1 meter wingspan of 94,36,standing 2 meters Mogao,jumping 0.98 meters (38.5 inches)
84 kg bench press 10 times,restricted from running 11.09 seconds,3 / 4 field sprint 3.22 seconds
Chris Paul and North Carolina,Marvin Williams,Andrew Bogut Utah two together,saying the current draft "Big Three."
Just one year time NCAA top-ranked point guard and last year beat the 04 rookie Luol Deng (Bulls) won ACC Rookie League.Is fast and very,flexibility,superior,more unusual is that he can break through enemy positions at the moment after the flash of light,the strike spread,and create opportunities for teammates.A very high basketball IQ,ball skilled,less mistakes,good control of the overall situation,is a good team leader.Individual scoring is quite a threat to break a good long shot.Defensive style similar to Iverson,good at using his speed and foresight pass blocking opponents,averaging the number of steals in the NCAA list.
Hard and easy-going personality,loved by his teammates.High school game,a time when his beloved grandfather being killed,he vowed before the game and really scored 61 points,to commemorate the 61 years my grandfather was alive,and then intentionally missed free throw,take the initiative to get back on the bench - He was only a thin fraction of North Carolina high school will be able to break the scoring record.And the previous short NBA,point guard TJ Ford,Jameer Nelson and others different,Chris Paul's body is still thin,take some time to adjust to NBA confrontation.Height will be his eternal pain.
Isiah Thomas was evaluated Chuck Daly said:"If another 5 inches taller,he would be the strongest player in the history of the basketball." If Chris Paul 3,4 inches tall,he will no doubt become the champion this year.Running and jumping quality,basic skills,ability to judge,pass vision,shooting touch,selflessness,leadership talent,aggressive attitude,even under the deal with the media and the academic field are first class - there are scouts that Paul is the second 94 years Jason Kidd PG has the best talent.
Paul's breakthrough ability is amazing,can be like last year's third overall pick Ben Gordon as the perimeter at any time tearing each other (Gordon rely more on absolute speed and upper body strength,Paul to become known to the speed and skill.) But the real breakthrough is that he jumped to calm the ball,at the age of 20,he has already shot his teammates know how to satisfy the desire to mobilize the enthusiasm of the team.










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